Tuesday, November 20, 2007
BE UR SELF,,,guyz……
You opened this so you have to do it.
Put the number representing what you
are depending on the question. At the
end it will look like a phone number
so then put it in the subject line.
You must do this or you will get bad
luck for one entire year.
first put a 081.....
Here's your new digits:
1st number, put what you are
1- gay
2- taken
3- single and what ever happens,
4- single
5- happily taken and love that
6- single but like someone
7- taken and confused
8- single and like someone, but
have them
9- have lost all hope
0- single confused the fcuk of
2nd number, put your current Mood
1- Nervous
2- Bored
3- Confused
4- Just fine
6- Hyper
7- Sleepy
8- Angry
9- Tired
0- Happy
3rd number is The color of your
1- Black
2- Pink
3- Red
4- Orange
5- Blue
6- Green
7- Yellow
8- White/Gray/brown
9- Camo
0- none
4th Number is the month you were
1- Jan. or Feb.
2- March
3- april
4- May
5- Jun. or Jul
6- Aug.
7- Sep.
8- Oct.
9- Nov.
0- Dec.
5th Number is your Favorite Color
1- Black
2- White
3- Pink
4- Blue
5- Green
6- Red
7- Orange
8- Yellow
9- Purple
0- Other
Next Number is your favorite
1- Soccer
2- Basketball
3- Swimming
4- Football
5- Rodeo
6- Volleyball
7- Baseball/softball
8- Track
9- Tennis
0- Other
Last number is your Sign
1- Aries
2- Virgo
3- Sagittarius
4- Leo
5- Cancer or Capricorn
6- Taurus
7- Libra
8- Aquarius
9- Gemini
0- Scorpio or Pisces
Post this with your new number in 5
minutes and something good will happen
to you
Just for your info only....
50 hal paling romantis buat cowok/cewek lu orang
harus fw email ini ke 5 orang dalam 5 menit yang akan datang ato lu bakal ketiban sial selama 5 taon! Makanya kirim....
Kalo lu kirim ke :
5 orang- lu bakal ketemu ama orang yang lu demen
10 orang- orang yang lu demen bakalan ngajak lu jalan2
15 orang- lu bakal jadian ama orang itu dalam jangka waktu yang panjang
20 orang- lu bakal merit ama tuh orang!
50 hal paling romantis buat cewek/cowok lu orang:
1. Mandangin matahari terbenam bareng
2. Saling berbisik
3. Masak buat doi
4. Jalan pas hujan
5. Pegangan tangan
6. Beliin kado/hadiah buat doi
7. Mawar
8. Cari cologne/parfum/wangi2an yang doi demen en pake tiap kali bareng doi
9. Jalan bareng di pantai tengah malem (jangan lupa bw jeket or sweater..ntar masuk angin)
10. Tulisin puisi buat doi
11. Pelu
12. Bilang I love You, ngomongnya hanya pas lu emank bener lagi ngerasain hal itu en pastiin doi tau lu bener2 demen ama die
13. Kasih doi kado yang beda misalnya bunga/permen/puisi de el el (ih, boros amat ya..)
14. Ngomong ke doi bilang dia tuh satu2nya orang yang lu mau. Jangan bo'ong!
15. Habiskan tiap detik bareng2 doi
16. Pandangin mata doi
17. Pas remang2 angkat dagu doi, pandangin mata doi, bilang ke doi lu sayang ama die. En---kiss doi
18. Pas lagi rame, saling gandengan
19. Selipin pesan yang nyatain lu sayang ama die pas dia gak tau
20. Beliin doi cincin (nyang ini tidak dianjurkan jika tidak seriuss!!!)
21. Nyanyi bareng doi
22. Selalu pegang doi di sekitar pinggang
23. Bawa doi pegi makan bareng en makan malem bedua
24. Spaghetti? (pernah liat cewek dengan petualangan?)
25. Pegang tangan doi, tatap mata doi, kiss tangan doi en simpen di ati lu
26. Dansa bareng doi
27. Gue demen pas doi sedang tidur yang keliatan tanpa dosa di pangkuan gue
28. Lakukan hal yang manis misalnya tulis I love you di kertas sampe doi bakal ngeliat cermin buat baca tulisan itu
29. Minta ijin buat nelpon doi tiap 5 menit
30. Pas lu lagi sibuk bikin sesuatu, tinggalin buat hubungi doi en ngomong gua sayang ama lu
31. Hubungi doi dari tempat kerja lu buat ngomong lu lagi mikirin doi
32. Inget apa yang jadi cita2 lu en kasi tau doi ttg cita2 lu itu
33. Dengerin apa yang doi bilang en dukung doi
34. Bilang ke doi rahasia/masalah yang lu adepin
35. Kasih kesan yang baek ke ortu doi
36. Sisirin rambut doi dari wajah doi
37. Menggantungkan diri ke temen2 doi
38. Ke gereja/berharap/sembayang bareng doi
39. Bawa doi pegi nonton film yang romantis en inget bagian film yang doi demen
40. Saling mempelajari en jangan buat kesalahan yang sama 2 kali
41. Buat kegembiraan yang lu rasain pas waktu lu cuma bedua
42. Saling mau berkorban
43. Bener-bener saling menyayangi, ato gak usah tetep bareng lagi
44. Enggak pernah ngelupain doi sedetik pun selama hari memberi, en pastiin doi tau hal itu
45. Sayangi diri sendiri dulu sebelom sayangi orang laen
46. Pelari bahasa laen buat ngomong hal yang manis
47. Kirimin lagu dari radio buat doi
48. Telpon bareng doi sampe tidur
49. Belain doi pas ada seseorang ngomong kasar ke doi
50. Gak pernah lupain ciuman selamat malem. En gak pernah lupa ngomong "mimpi indah" ke doi Ini adalah
Are YOu Romantic.........?
Knowing romantic personality type [do] not can only assist you realize the strength and ownself weakness [of] but also can assist you express the love in way of where others will esteem
Later;Then my mom tell a story such as those which I narrate mentioned. Because I caw trust finally I dare to make the view [by] xself what correctness told [by] mentioned her. Circumstance at that time drizzling rain, wind of sharp wind bone. Its atmosphere [is] that night [is] too [of] a few/little grasp, quiet silent. In the distance Iam too very caw trust by what I see!!! But that IS TRUE, I run to go away from that tree. I wish to scream but likely red lane me run dry the kerontang, heart tick the excitement... difficult until I [of] singing. I dash down my body in place sleep and hide below/under blanket. Iam very fear!!! Its morrow [is] I and my mom narrate [at] my father grandfather and. my Grandfather word [is] real correct emang [in] that tree waru there [is] waiting, but qwe caw take care the kwatir too abundant. That occurence [is] lama2 of caw of I think again. But making i caw can forgeting hitherto [is] occurence [in] bathroom [of] behind house. That moment [is] night at 11.45 ( kira2) night [is] so chilled, i become the kebelet nech!!! Iam go out the room;chamber [go] to the room;chamber her, for the ngebangunin of my mother make the nganterin i to bathroom [of] behind.But she caw will, perforced [by] i leave alone. True i caw dare to sech, but i perforced, habiznya udah [in] back part gore with horn the. Air [is] outside chilled [by] banget. I open the room's door take a bath... and aq frighten surprise the.. n caw trust what now aq see the. dressy People buttonhole turn white outworn, [is] combing its hair [is] long until its foot/feet knee. iscream the fear.. running all out.. but likely aq run the slow once... aq run to room;chamber ibuku. Ibuku frighten surprise [is] till develop;builded. Later;Then aq decide sleep [in] room;chamber my mother. morning after [of] my mom ask the occurence [of] last night and finally aq tell the mother, grandfather, and my father. Later;Then my grandfather meet ustad [in] my house area. [Is] later;then seen with the mind eye, in the reality all that area dweller do not intend to bother the us. But just wishing meeting.
Schools of thought
There are seven schools of thought developing in
Islamic school
10-century process of Indianization of Indonesia was rivaled by the coming of Persian Sufismkingdoms and sultanates in
Sufism in Indonesia can be divided to two schools: Ghazalism and Ibn Arabism. Ghazalism takes its main inspiration from Al-Ghazali’s teachings, whereas Ibn Arabism from Ibn Arabi’s doctrines. Sufis from Al-Ghazali line are Nuruddin Al-Raniri, Abdurrauf Al-Singkeli, Abd al-Shamad Al-Palimbangi, Syekh Yusuf Makassar, while from Ibn Arabi line are Hamzah Al-Fansuri, Al-Sumatrani, Syekh Siti Jenar, and so on (Nasr 1991:282-287).
Arabia Wahhabism was also adopted by King Pakubuwono IV and Tuanku Imam Bonjol, whose necessary task of philosophy was to eradicate Sufism and encourage Qur'an teachings instead (Hamka 1971:62-64).
When Islamic modernism, whose program was to synthesize Islamic teachings and Western Enlightenment philosophy, begun by Muhammad Abduh and Jamal al-din Al-Afghani in Egypt in the end of 1800s, prevailed in all over Islamic world, Moslems in Indonesia also adopted and adapted the modernism. This is clearly shown in the works of Syaikh Ahmad Khatib, Syaikh Thaher Djalaluddin, Haji Abdul Karim Amrullah, Kyai Ahmad Dahlan, Mohammad Natsir, Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto, Haji Agus Salim, Haji Misbach, and so forth (Noor 1996:37).